T H E  S T O R Y

there were 80 acres of undeveloped property behind our house when i was growing up.  80 acres of beautiful old oak trees, tall grasses, starthistle, blackberries, deer, coyote, rattlesnakes, & hawks.  my family always referred to it as "the 80 acres."  

as a little girl the woods were a vast space that represented things unknown and mysterious. i was curious, knowing that there was so much to discover just on the opposite side of the barbed-wire fence. 

allison riegel


  1. I love your new blog, Alli - a reflection of the vast a beautiful space within yourself, also unknown and mysterious ... "We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love." (Mother Theresa) xoxo ki

  2. This is beautiful Alli. Thank you so much for sharing it with me. See you soon =)

  3. susan tonkin riegelApril 30, 2010 at 6:28 AM

    it has warmed my heart to see you share the
    beauty, talent and creative spirit that you have so diligently nurtured and developed

    i love you, mom

  4. now this, is the very beginning. blessings on this beautiful space and the curly ringlets behind the magic.

    i love you poopy!

  5. hi al,
    just happened to check your blog...i love how
    you integrate all that you love
    you have such flair my dear
    with love, mom

  6. Dear Alli, such a beautiful balance of heart, head, and stomach ! Thank you for sharing. Please let us know if you happen to be in our neck of the woods.
    "Cousin" Joe

  7. Hey Allison-
    I just love what your doing!
    Your new friend James
