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finally, my
long overdue, recipe-less
recreation of Delfina's

nettle tagliatelle

i've been obsessed with this dish since my first dining experience at Delfina.  there is just something about it's simplicity and delicious earthiness that captures my taste buds every time.  they make a fresh tagliatelle pasta that has nettle puree in it, turning the pasta a green color.  for my quick lunch today, i chose not to make fresh pasta and instead used linguine by Rustichella d'Abruzzo.  i picked up some beautiful fresh nettles at the farmer's market on tuesday and decided this was the perfect way to use them:

boil a large pot of water.  once boiling, add one large bunch fresh nettles.  cook for about 2 minutes, then remove nettles from pot with tongs and place in bowl.  using same boiling water, cook noodles (i made enough for 2 servings).  while noodles are cooking, place blanched nettles, 1-2 cups of same boiling water, & 1 tsp salt in blender and puree.  transfer puree to new saucepan on medium heat.  when noodles are about 75% cooked, remove them and transfer to nettle puree saucepan.  finish cooking noodles here, allowing extra liquid from puree to evaporate as necessary and allowing pasta to absorb nettle flavor.  add 2 tbsp unsalted butter and toss.  remove from heat.  add salt to taste.  top with pinenuts and grated parmigiano.

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i love tuesdays.

new cocktail:
(from The Babbo Cookbook)
 3/4 oz gin
3/4 oz sweet vermouth
3/4 oz Campari
3 drops orange bitters
orange twist, for garnish

Combine gin, vermouth, & Campari in an iced shaker. 
Shake well serve up or on the rocks.
Add bitters and garnish with an orange twist.

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the experience of happiness,
[is] the most dangerous,
because all the happiness possible
increases our thirst
and the voice of love makes an emptiness,
a solitude reverberate.

(franรงois mauriac)

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i knew again why all this--
to grow more alive.
to experience being alive and being brought alive by another.
something so beautiful and rare.

(sabrina ward harrison)

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the train horn is

this town
is my childhood
is my college years
is summertime
is warm evenings with windows propped open
soft breezes,
sand stuck to my calves,
night-blooming jasmine

i return home to a room
glowing warm
orange, peach
the sweet spot of the day

(just like that)

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i might be exploding with some kind of ecstatic energy

dance therapy
(must i sell it again?)


(((    spring is in the air    )))

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on top of my mailbox pillar.

i keep wondering how many shells will slowly accumulate,

when the next will arrive.

((  we need more pretty surprises in the world  ))

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Big Sur



makes me doubt the possibility
 of surviving an east coast/northern European winter

(fireside, feet submerged in bin of scalding hot water)

and then, blanket of black sky above,
a dusting of powdered sugar stars
and the most heavenly nook
(((   GO HERE NOW   )))