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it is the epitome of a fall day today.  
(( and ))
with the arrival of my favorite season comes an inevitable wash of nostalgia.

it is all bittersweet.

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and had i had my camera along i would be able to show you
what literally made my jaw drop with fascination.
but maybe you have witnessed such beauty before...

{  l a d y b u g s  }

in PILES! clumps! giant clusters! i have never seen so many ladybugs together in my life! they were huddled on top of each other on the stems of tall grasses, and sleeping in piles on a large rock, covering surface area larger than my two hands put together. it was red, everywhere, little speckles of red in my periphery, right in front of me, three feet ahead. i bent down to observe these little creatures, crawling around and all over each other. apparently this is what they tend to do in the winter to stay warm. it was truly captivating.

and then, the myriad of yellow leaves...

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30 Canada Street has been blessed with no internet for almost 2 weeks now
i have become grateful for this disconnect

the past week has been a delightful onset of thunderstorms,
cozy candlelit chats on the Nook,
& embracing guilt-free hibernation

Jess came home from the market with a bouquet of flowers for his sister

and ps. it's fall...which means persimmons are here.
simple salad with fuyu persimmons, pinenuts, & avocado

the bounty of local produce continues to explode all over the kitchen
its been awhile...

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they come home today.

i awake to the sounds of the city
soft voices echoing off the sides of buildings
every so often a car driving past
sanding, nailing; the idle sounds of construction

it's warm out; i slept with the windows open
and the quality of this air takes me back to italy.

the importance of the lacy doormat

it's been a long time: 
remembering the simple luxury of a slice of this bread

an evening spent in the pink room; magical.

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t h e  s u r p r i s e
what makes me burst with joy more than a hearty dose of my favorites?
oh, San Francisco, how i will always love thee

Movia puro brut rose
Jesse disgorged it with finesse
i couldn't handle the perfection of this color scheme

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a few days at

H  O  M  E

i ask myself: has it ever felt so good to be here?  yes, it always does. this magical place is one of my versions of heaven.  my childhood spent running through this same grass, looking up at the branches of these same oak trees, dipping my feet in the same creek...

  {  t o d a y  i t  i s  q u i e t . }

quiet except for the breeze that comes and goes, rustling the leaves from the trees and blowing them softly to the ground. it is still, peaceful, comforting, grounding.

a journal of my visit, beginning now:

fried egg, heirloom tomato, sauteed kale, onion, cannellinis, robiola

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four things i love in this moment:

  1. Osho's wisdom
2. sunset bikerides at the ocean
3. living with Jess/our produce on the kitchen table
4. the scent of palo santo burning

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evenings at home

 ((( a rare & necessary luxury )))

 gnocchi with onion, corn, cherry tomatoes, basil, pinenuts
ps. i forgot how seductive red wine can be. especially on a misty grey day...