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( ojai: second annual )

lounging, cooking, dancing, giggling, reveling

it will never get old.

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sitting with my gypsies.

it's all magic:
room, objects, energy


i'm bursting inside from a magical performance

inspired to create piles of costumery and accessories

the desert

(( making things soon ))

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sticky leaves

 under the soles of my feet

summer evenings

can they just linger
and linger
and linger

a n d

l  i  n  g  e  r

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i was behind the desk.
the ocean breeze 

reached through the open front door
to behind the desk,

lifting the ends of my curls.

a few hours later
 i found myself 400 miles north. 

i was sitting on a bench
 in front of the passenger loading zone, 

the delta breeze

tickling my closed eyelids. 

(the subtle movement of air proves deeply soothing)

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 monday, june twenty-first,

s u m m e r

officially begins.

this perspective will never get old.

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if you ever find yourself wondering

whether or not you should dance,
just know
that the answer is
a l w a y s

{  yes  }

yes yes yes. 

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spent a couple bucks
on a few bottles
to round out the collection
to make one of my


for a minute, i feel like i'm

wearing Sophie's grandmother's high-waisted skirt,
i just came home from work, walked into the kitchen
to find the record player
at last assembled with its new amp.

made myself a corpse reviver

and smiled.

ps. it's COMING.

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the mountain house proved magical once again

music, dancing, carrot cake
hot tub, starry sky, dawn's arrival

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loving this and this.

(wish i could drive to Big Sur tomorrow
to experience them at the Henry Miller Library.)

and this, well, it's been making me smile and sway a lot lately.

ps. this is what i did today: